Access a remote file system
You want to transfer files from/to a server which you have a ssh access
As root:
install fuse
#apt-get install fuse-utils sshfs ssh
and load its kernel module
#modprobe fuse
add your regular user to fuse's group
#adduser [your-user] fuse
(reboot the machine)
Now using your regular user:
Mount your remote directory:
$ sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]
$sshfs remote-user@remote.server:/remote/directory /home/user/remote/
(If you only put ':' is going to be your default directory)
Then, you can manipulate your remote folder as a regular local folder.
Unmount your remote directory
$fusermount -u mountpoint
$fusermount -u /home/user/remote/
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