Monday, August 25, 2014

Managing your latex bib files in linux II

You want a program to manage your Latex bibliography file.
Jabref  is a really good program to organize and modify your bib files in Latex using a very friendly GUI. Also this program can generate  automatically the key for the bib entries and you can include the link to your pdf files.

To install it, we can use the package in Debian's repository
# aptitude install jabref


Synchronize a folder outside the default Dropbox's directory

You want to synchronize a folder with Dropbox, without move that folder to
the default  Dropbox's directory
Create a symbolic link from the folder that you want to synchronize to the Dropbox directory, for example

$ ln -s /path/to/folder/to/sync ~/Dropbox

The permissions of the files or folders should be (at least) owner:r/w, group r/w, and others: r